A city girl learning to live off grid on a mountain in Montana with a country boy makes for an endless supply of funny stories, even if they weren't funny at the time. Lots of laughs and tears and love along the way. Enjoy! 😊

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Writer's Hearts

 I've written before, "You know you have a Writer's heart when you're going through something awful/terrible/terrifying and all you can think is, 'If I live through this, it's gonna be a great story.'" But you also know you have a Writer's heart when your own husband is going through something awful/terrible/terrifying and all he can think is, "This is gonna make a great story. I wonder how she'll write about it?" 

Case in point: 

Butch threw his back out Monday night. He was feeling better enough on Wednesday that I was able to go to town to run errands. I was concerned about him being by himself all day but he said he was fine and that I should go on. When I got back home, hours later, he was chuckling and regaled me with his "I-had-a-back-spasm-and-got-stuck-on-the-potty-for-30 minutes!" story (no, he didn't say "potty"). Plus there was no toilet paper so there were unfortunate wiping challenges, more painful back spasms, a mess of sorts and wondering how in the hecky darn he was going to actually get off the potty and out of the bathroom! Haw haw, it was sooo funny!  It was a horrible fight and a half! Chuckle, chuckle! 

And through all of that, he said all he could think about was how funny this was and wondering how I'd write about it. 

Butch -"So you're gonna write about it, right?" 

Me -"Oh gosh no. I wouldn't want to embarrass you." (Liar!) 

Butch - "No, it's okay. Go ahead. It's funny!" 

Me - "Um welll, it's a little TMI." 

Butch - "Huh?" 

Me - "Too much information. It's kinda gross." 

Butch - "But it's funny!" 

Me -"I agree but it may be a bit too much for our audience." 

Butch - "Hmph. What about your Poo Debacle story? That was, what you call it, TSP." 

Me - "TMI. That was different. That wasn't gross." 

Butch (full on pout with crossed arms) - "You really should write about it. IT'S. FUNNY." 

I hated to disappoint him because CLEARLY the thought of my writing this HILARIOUS poo story got him through that painful episode but ... as juvenile as my humor sometimes is ... even *I* have standards (as low as they are.) I encouraged him to write it himself and we could post it on HIS Facebook page because everyone already knows he has a 'potty' mouth. ;) 

(P. S. Okay,  I may actually write this funny story and save it somewhere for future poo-sterity. Posterity? Get it? And on a day when my inner child is in control, I may even share it. Stay tuned! ☺)

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