A city girl learning to live off grid on a mountain in Montana with a country boy makes for an endless supply of funny stories, even if they weren't funny at the time. Lots of laughs and tears and love along the way. Enjoy! 😊

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Monkey See NO Evil 🙈

Sigh..... it's time to go get water again, which isn't THAT big of a deal except for the fact that the road to our spring is pure ice and I just HATE driving on ice, especially since that road is steeply downhill from my house AND has about a 1000 foot drop off on the side. Luckily, that road doesn't turn to ice very often but when I complained about this scary situation to my husband Butch, he encouragingly said, "Shoot. You won't go far if you go over the edge. You'll hit a tree or boulder and stop, at some point. Heh heh."

 Well wow. I feel ALL better now, thanks!  

The last time I had to go get water with these same set of frozen circumstances, this is what I did: first, I groaned REAL loud and then prayed begging-style, for an all-expense paid trip to the Bahamas to magically appear in my email inbox. It didn't. Bah.

Pouting at the unfairness of life, I got everything ready to get our weekly water, chained up the truck, prayed for courage and started down the terrifying icy road and thought, "Hey wait a minute. I am GREAT at driving backwards. Even Butch says so. Maybe I should BACK all the way down there!" 

So, that's exactly what I did. I backed all the way down there. I've already mentioned that this road is twisty, turny, snowy, icy with a LONG, LONG drop off on one side. Since all I could see what was out of my rear view mirrors and since I had to concentrate so hard, I didn't have time to be afraid. And I wasn't! I got all the way down there with no problem, no sliding and no fear!! Ta DA!

When I bragged about the absolute genius way I handled that problem, it horrified everyone in my life. Some told me to never ever do that again or at least don't tell them about it if I did. Butch slapped his hand on his forehead and yelled, "Do I have to tie you to a CHAIR before I leave in the morning?!" 

 Hey, I'd rather slide out of control backwards than forwards. For some reason. Hmmm... That's odd. Why did I feel that way?? Now that I thought about it, I guess I've always been the kind of person who if she can't SEE a problem - icy road, monster in the dark, dirty house - it's simply not there. I'm a hide-under-the-covers kind of gal. Hmmm......

Self-analyzation began.

I thought back to when I was little. My sisters and I were often alone when we were young because my poor mom had to work two jobs. When we'd hear a scary noise at night, I would immediately march to the closet and hide. My cute, tiny, blonde youngest sister who is impressively brave, always went searching for the cause of the noise. And I being the big sister, let her. Thankfully it was never anything bad but I still hid, each time. 

I then remembered the time I went rafting for the first time ever with my family in Montana in the spring when the rivers are swollen and full and rushing like mad. Where people die every year. There were eight of us in the boat, all ages, from five to eighty years old. Every single person in the boat was laughing and having fun. Except me. What was I doing? Putting my head down, eyes closed, not watching. Still having fun mind you, but I didn't want to SEE the froth and waves that were about to swallow us all up. (I have a picture to prove this btw. It's hilarious.) 

So. My self-introspection revealed that I prefer to calmly (bravely?) take what comes but I will do it with my eyes closed. I am apparently the personification of Monkey See No Evil.

I'm not necessarily afraid of dying, I just don't want to SEE it.

 Hence, driving backwards down the hill. It's not like you can control where you're going when you start sliding anyway, whether you're going forward OR backwards. I'll just go with it, not watch and slide till I stop. Somewhere. At some point.

Or hey, you know what? Maybe I'll just wait for Butch to get home and let HIM go get the water. Yeah, that's what I'll do! I'll even go with him.

But I'm not looking. 

~~~ The End ~~~

(Well, hopefully not!)

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