A city girl learning to live off grid on a mountain in Montana with a country boy makes for an endless supply of funny stories, even if they weren't funny at the time. Lots of laughs and tears and love along the way. Enjoy! 😊

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Country Boy and City Girl Go Off Grid, Oh Boy!

In a nutshell: 

-- Country Boy marries City Girl 

-- CB and CG move from hot, humid Texas to lovely, snowy Montana 

-- CB and CG look for gorgeous land to start new lives on

-- CB and CG drastically lower expectations and look for affordable land

-- CB and CG let ALL expectations go and look for land that no one else wants

-- CB and CG find severely logged land with no electricity for miles around

-- CB and CG go Off Grid

-- CB and CG bravely decide to build their own home ALL by themselves! 

-- CB and CG quickly realize that CB is doing all the work and CG is useless 

-- CB wonders why he married a CG

-- CG wonders why CB is so ANAL

And that right there is the beginning of wonderful love story. Ok not really. That right there could be a recipe for disaster.

Note to all young married couples: Starting out your holy matrimony by building your own home together, is (oh how do I put this?), going straight from the frying pan into the fire. It's a baptism by fire, a complete submersion, all in for better or worse, whereby in working together, you will quickly learn all of your partner's most annoying habits and worst traits, right off the bat. No honeymoon period for you! 

Oh. Ahem. 

You get the idea. It's just risky, that's all I'm saying. Building your own home together is a huge job and colossally difficult. And that's just picking out tile and flooring! It's ESPECIALLY difficult if one of you (I'm not telling who), doesn't know the names of tools or how to wield a hammer or how a tape measure works. 

It's even MORE difficult if people of completely different persuasions are trying to work together. Country people have their ways and city people have better ones. Ha HA! Just kidding! 

It began to seem as if the twain shall never meet. Country mouse and city mouse just have different ways of doing things. City mouses are practical and prefer to hire other mouses to get things done. Country mouses, weirdly enough, want to do it all themselves. 

They simply speak a different language. 

Allow me to give you a few examples if I may. 

When City Girl graciously offers to help build their new home by way of chronicling the exciting adventure, and follows Country Boy around with a camera, taking pictures of him working without a shirt on, Country Boy is not pleased or even appreciative! Ungrateful!

When City Girl is doing her best while sitting in the new tractor that she has just recently been taught to use, trying to follow Country Boy's confusing hand signals that look like a mixture of directional pointing, Japanese Sign Language, with some offensive gestures and a few friendly waves thrown in for good measure, while he's standing in the bucket of the aforementioned tractor, apparently hoping City Girl will move him up or down in said bucket, per confusing hand signals, and City Girl INADVERTENTLY dumps him out on the ground, and busts a gut laughing, he has the gall to get mad! Especially after the tenth time! So weird!

When CB and CG are in the freezing cold, dark barn trying to fix the snow blower on the tractor and City Girl wasn't complaining that much, and then Country Boy tells City Girl to go get a sledgehammer, the grinder, clamps and the 60-11 welding rods when he KNOWS perfectly well that she has no idea what any of these things are and she goes into the tool room and hopes the tools will just take pity on her and jump off the wall but they don't because they're a bunch of tools! (Haw!) And Country Boy then has the temerity to act put out because his CITY GIRL wife doesn't know tools?? Well he has no one to blame but himself. He's the one who married a City Girl. Maybe he should have married a Country Girl!

Am I right? Can I get a witness? 

And yet.

Even though the Country Boy and City Girl often misunderstand what the other one is trying to say, they still somehow manage to hear each other. They manage to build a house and a good life together.

And somewhere along the rocky road of trying to mesh two worlds, they discover, to their surprise, that they do in fact share a common language - humor - and realize that laughter makes everything more bearable and way more fun. 

And so...

-- Country Boy and City Girl live happily ever after.

                            The End 😉

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